Monday, January 1, 2024

When life flickers out like water in the sand 😭😭🌍

When death shows at your doorstep.

A man might be alive in the morning, but die unnoticed before evening knocks on your doorstep. Human life is like forced army service' like a life of hard manual labour, like slave longing for cool shade, like a hard worker waiting for his pay. Like a cloud that fades and is gone, a man dies And never returns, he is forgotten by all who knew him.
Death never minds twisting our dreams, it never fails to accomplish the mission. 

"You can't bury the dead without making peace with the living"

When life flickers out like water in the sand 😭😭🌍

When death shows at your doorstep. A man might be alive in the morning, but die unnoticed before evening knocks on your doorstep. Human life...