Sunday, December 31, 2023

New beginning quotes "2024"

It's new day and new beginning for you and I, it has been year of trials and many temptations. If you don't take risks you will always remain slave of the rich. But he who hustles like slave will live like the rich.

May our good Lord bless you with peace and greatest peace. 💖💖💖


Friday, December 29, 2023

Healing forest with beautiful dark sky!

The real beauty shows up in the sky! 🌍

What amazing beauty of nature in light, when you look up at the sky night, you see sparkly lights. During the day the sky is a pretty light blue. Then at night you view something totally new.

After the heat of the day had simmered, The moon softly glowed in the starlight sky, it's magic in the sky at night and that I love, I just admire the night sky, where thoughts find rest and calm comes to nest. 

When your heart is hurting, your soul will need a healing. 
The night awaits you' come home to nature!

Importance of eating healthy!

 Why is it important to have a healthy eating habit!

Benefits of eating healthy' helps us in weight management, It further makes us agile and increases our productivity. Healthy food does not have merely one but numerous benefits.

It helps us in various numerous spheres of life. It doesn't only impact our physical health but mental health too. The intake of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich with ingredients reduces the chances of dread diseases.

We ought to eat vegetables and fruits in large quantity hence they provide rich nutrients to us. Eating healthy can control and prevent health problems like heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure.

We must eat fruits and vegetables in large numbers 💓💓💓


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Dangers of drug abuse and addiction!


Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behaviour.

When you are addicted to drugs, you can't resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause. The earlier you get treatment for addiction' the more likely you're to avoid some of the more consequences of the disease.
Even babies are exposed to drugs in utero may experience developmental consequences, including impaired growth, birth defects, and altered brain development. Prenatal drug exposure may impact the child's behaviour, language, cognition and achievement long term.

People can heal from addiction, especially when they get needful support to relieve withdrawal symptoms, Navigate triggers and make positive changes. You alone have the power to decide to quit using drugs, no matter how seriously others want you to quit using drugs or alcohol.


When life flickers out like water in the sand 😭😭🌍

When death shows at your doorstep. A man might be alive in the morning, but die unnoticed before evening knocks on your doorstep. Human life...